Our services

Our services

  • Advice about your workers’ compensation (WSIB) claim

  • Representation of low-income injured workers and survivors in WSIB appeals

  • Advice and assistance to other legal representatives

  • Public legal education about injured workers’ rights

  • Advocacy and litigation to change unfair laws and policies

We help workers across Ontario

Our services are free

Our services are confidential

If you are contacting IAVGO for the first time, please call us at 416-924-6477

We can meet with you by telephone, zoom or in-person at our Toronto offices

We provide language interpretation as needed

Direct legal services and advocacy

We strive to provide high quality legal advice to all injured workers and survivors who contact us. We provide advice and referral services, help you meet time limits, and guide you to take the steps you need to protect your rights.

We also provide representation in workers’ compensation appeals. We can represent workers and survivors who qualify financially for our services, which are funded by Legal Aid Ontario.

Advocacy alongside precarious injured workers

We work alongside injured workers to drive changes in the laws and policies that fail them. Our work includes policy and legal submissions to government, litigation to change the status quo, and direct organizing and advocacy to press for the changes that need to happen.