IAVGO's Bad Medicine exposes the truth that injured workers are not getting the health care they need. Employers are saving money because workers' health care is being cut.
IAVGO's No Evidence proves that the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board is often denying workers and their families critical financial and recovery support without any evidence.
The WSIB’s “Better at Work” initiative aggressively pushes injured workers back to work against the advice of their treating doctors. The WSIB ignores doctors’ treatment recommendations. The result is devastating. The Ontario government must pass legislation to ensure that people injured at work can follow the advice of their doctors.
This 710-page practice manual is intended as a resource for those who represent or advise people who have job-related injuries and health problems. In 30 chapters, it examines relevant laws, policies, and Tribunal decisions, discusses case strategies, and provides checklists, sample letters, and calculations.